Friday, May 18, 2007

it's been a while and this won't be much...

I just took the Jung Typology Test that Milo linked to his blog & found out that I am a slightly expressed extrovert, moderately expressed intuitive personality, distinctly expressed feeling personality, and a moderately expressed judging personality. I can't say exactly why I'm so excited about this...maybe it's the feeling bit, perhaps it's because it's 3am & I'm wide awake.
Here's the breakdown: 22%extroverted 38%intuitive 62%feeling 33%judging. I would have thought higher for the intuitive part, but then I suppose everyone feels like they're more in tune than they are. Not as judgmental as I used to be either. Ahh, maturity - good for me! I highly recommend you taking the test & sharing your results> Let's get better acquainted.

I'm missing old friends tonight & trying not to get too horribly depressed about I'm also accepting anything you've got to cheer me up. You know, whatever works for you, pass it along.

Finally, if you're interested in seeing some really fantastic photos of Chicago, try "Chateau Ho" on the flickr site. Javier has a keen eye for beauty.